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This is not a club you join and have to keep coming back.  Some come back just for maitenance. They are living life and physically active.   Most I dont see for a long time after thier initial treatments, or I bump into them somewhere. A majority of my business comes from referrals. Read what some of them have to say

Amy Glasow

Sarasota FL

April 2, 2015

I had an MRI and was diagnosed with Bulging Disc at L5-S1.  I had pain in my buttock that radiated down my left leg for almost 10 years.  My pain was debilitating to the extent that I was in  unbelievable pain with walking only 10 feet.  Needless to say my quality of life was poor.  I had tried epidurals (relief only lasted 6 weeks) and traditional massage without any any lasting relief.  After my first treatment I received a marked improvement and experienced continued relief/improvement with 6 consecutive treatments.  I have continued to get maintenance treatments every other month over the past year and a half.  I highly recommend Dennis to anybody with back problems!

Todd Russell

Bradenton FL

March 19, 2015

When I started going to Dennis,  I was having neck , shoulder, arm and hand pain and stiffness that was not responding to conventional deep tissue massage.

 Within a few sessions I was able to stop taking pain medicine , resume normal activity and cut way back on visits to the chiropractor. I continue to engage his services whenever I develop pain that does not go away with rest, heat and stretching, and I have never been disappointed.

I have such faith in Dennis that I let him work on my 12 year old daughter's scoliosis. Now she can stand up straight.

Highly recommended!



Stacy Saylor


Shared publicly  -  Aug 22, 2012 on GOOGLE +

The Therapeutic Bodyworker

415 Soth Pineapple Avenue Sarasota FL 34236


The bodywork that Dennis performed on me was highly effective. I get frequent sciatic flare-ups due to an automobile accident over 11 years ago and the work that he did kept my flare-ups away for months! The type of work he does will be like nothing most people have ever experienced. It is far from a Swedish massage so do expect some discomfort during and possibly some soreness afterward, but it will be sooooo worth it when you are done!!! It is "exquisite pain" :o) Thank you Dennis!!!


Quality Excellent

Debra Kilpatrick
Owner at DK Photography

Shared Publicly  - on Linkedin

Dennis is an expert in relieving chronic pain. I have also had tremendous results with the Emotional Energetic Release Therapy. Utilizing both of these treatments has enabled me to be much more active and pain free. I just feel better in general. He is truly gifted in the work he does. I would highly recommend him to anyone who suffers with chronic pain.



August 8, 2013, Debra was Dennis's client

Patti Wood



I have had body work for 30 years. I stand on my feet all day and keep my arms up all day. Due to the physical work and all the years of wear and tear needless to say I'm a mess. The work Dennis has done on me has improved my shoulder problem 100 %. I had one rotator cuff surgery and don't want to do the other one. I would highly recommend Dennis  work.

Tangible Results

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1718 Main St Ste

310, Sarasota, FL 34236


or Your Home within 20 mile radius


Tel: 941 713 6220

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